Архив метки: chart

Ultra7z Archivers Chart

Last update: 09.12.2023
Full table here
09.12.2023 — Tested Zstandard 1.5.5 (very fast decompression and good compression compared to classic ZIP),
WinRAR 7.0b2 (worse than the previous version, because strong methods have been removed),
BCM 2.03, BCM 1.65 (-b2047), PPMX 0.09, SQUID 0.03,
kanncompr 3.0 (based on artificial neural networks, very slow, but interesting).

06.12.2023 — Tested Kanzi 2.2 (new very perspective powerful compressor with many compression options and algorithms for fast and strong compression/decompression and multithreading),
paq8px150 (-3)(relatively fast mode compared to newer very slow versions).

22.03.2021 — Tested BCM 1.60, BCM 2.0a3, Lzpm 0.18
22.04.2020 — Tested FP8v6 (4th place), bizp2 1.06, bzip2 (7-zip 19.0)
05.04.2020 — Tested Razor 1.03.7, Lzpm 0.17, PowerArchiver 2019, Balz 1.50, BCM 1.51
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